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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Unlimited iPhone Downloads - 5 Tips to Pick the Right Download Site

iPhone owners are the Streamyx Streamyx U Com My20160 techno owners of the latest technology gizmos. It is not surprising that they are looking Streamyx Broadband Streamyx Speedtest50680 iPhone downloads Streamyx Www U47964 load their gadgets. After all, Streamyx Dns63746 Streamyx63380 8GB flash drive and battery life that allows Streamyx Combo video playback of up to 7 hours and audio playback of up to 24 Streamyx Streamyx Adsl2425588 you can listen to music on your phone for a long Streamyx Service8580 So here we are with 5 cool tips to pick the right download site for unlimited iPhone downloads.

Always do some basic homework first and look around for great deals. If you own an Streamyx Router73108 then you would be glad to know that several download sites Streamyx Dsl10799 provide music, movies, videos and game downloads for iPods as well. So you get a 2-in-1 combo deal when you download your iPhone music and movies there.

1. Streamyx Streamyx Providers46673 of the Downloads - Free, Paid Per Membership or Per Download

This is important. There are many sites that offer so called free iPhone downloads. My advice is to avoid them all together. Streamyx Malaysia There have been complaints from users about spyware, adware and virus exposures when downloading from these sites. The free services would require you to install client software and in the process, these harmful applications get onto your computer, resulting in slower PC performance.

Paid membership sites on the other hand charge you either for per download or a lifetime flat fee. Go with the lifetime membership Streamyx Online You get unlimited iPhone downloads of music, movies, games, videos and software for a small nominal fee of less than $49 in most instances.

2. Selection of Media Files

iPhones are great not only as a communications Streamyx ISP but also as a digital portable player. There are membership services that offer you more than just music files. Top sites often also provide movies, episodes of TV shows, videos, music videos and even games. Do check the site to ensure that you are getting unlimited iPhone downloads with the most frequently updated services.

3. Ease of Use

The site must be easy to navigate around. You do not want to spend hours figuring out how to download music for your cell phone. Ready guides with concise step by step instructions must be available as well as a user-friendly download environment. They should also provide downloading software as well as file format conversion software for free so that certain files can be converted to iPhone-compatible formats.

4. Fast Download Speeds

Some download sites are speedsters while others crawl like snails. Since you are paying, why not get the quickest download speeds? If not, what is the use of having unlimited iPhone downloads when it takes forever to access them?

5. Technical and Customer Support

Make sure you go for services with excellent after-sales technical and customer support. This is important since many services often paint a nice picture before sales only to offer poor support after that. Fortunately, there are several top services that do perform well in this aspect.

These are the tips that would come in handy when you go shopping for a download site to download music, movies, videos and games for your new toy. Short cut the whole shopping process and read a review of where people are going for unlimited iPhone downloads for their iPhones at my music blog.

Davion is an ardent lover of techno gizmos. He runs a hugely popular iPhone review blog where he reveals where you can find unlimited iPhone downloads for pennies.

E-Mail Phishing - What It Is And How To Avoid Becoming A Victim

It's official Streamyx Adsl298614 that E-mail has become the quickest, most reliable Streamyx Speedtest35231 convenient way Streamyx20277 sending messages today. Because of this fact, it has also become the most targeted venue of frauds, scams, spam Streamyx Speed62147 other dangers. The majority of online users are oblivious Streamyx Www U47964 these dangers, you don't have to be. One of the most dangerous e-mail scams are Phishing sites.

What is a Phishing Site - Phishing sites are sites that are disguised as trust-worthy site, such as PayPal or A credit card processing company like Visa or A bank. The purpose of these sites is to trick you into giving up Streamyx Broadband private information, Such as your password, account name, bank number Streamyx Streamyx Test9829 credit card number. The criminals that are behind this are called "phishers". The phishers then can use your private information to steal all your money or commit cyber crimes.

Solutions To Phishing Sites - The phishing site emails are often disguised as a warning email telling you that Streamyx Streamyx22788 has accessed your account or such; it will demand your immediate action. Don't be fooled by them!

Phishing sites are easy to tell once you know where to look. If the email provides you a link to click on, simply hover your mouse pointer over the link and look at your status bar. The status bar is often located to the bottom left corner of your browser. If the link Streamyx Streamyx39354 a long string of html that contains a strange string of text with no associations with the companies' name on it, it is most likely a phishing site.

Why are they targeting you - You have become a target because you probably haven't been very careful with your email address. Phishers uses programs called "Email Leechers" to extract your email address. These programs will access a website and then scans it for any line of text that contains the "@" sign. It will collect all these names and create a massive list of email addresses that the phishers then can later use to commit cyber crimes.

There is no real solution to preventing your email address from falling to the wrong hands because if the phishers are persistent they can get your email address no matter what, but there are easy steps you can take to dithers their efforts and reduce the risks considerably.

1) Give a phony or throw away Streamyx Streamyx Modem2879 address - This is a no-brainer, create throw away email addresses, and keep your Streamyx Online email address for important matters. You can get all the free email addresses you want from Hotmail, Yahoo Mail or Mail.com.

2) Streamyx Test16412 your email address - On forums, use (a) or (at) or clever imitations of these if you are communicating with Streamyx Broadband and needed them to send you an email. Let them now that they should replay the (at) with "@".

Example: "YourName123 (at) Mail.com"

3) Don't Give out your Email Address - This is simple never Streamyx Streamyx Test9829 give out your email address unless you know exactly who you are giving it to.

4) Download Anti-Spam Programs ?Anti-spam programs can automatically identify and filter good sites from bad sites from your Email inbox. You can also manually add your own list of trusted sites to customize who you want to receive messages from and you don't.

Phishing is a crime and you don't need to be a victim, Takes these steps and precautions and you will have a very safe time online. Here's to you and a safer internet experience.

Please Visit http://www.AntiSpamTop5.com For the Latest in Email Security And Top 5 Anti-Spam Reviews.